Central Asian Development Institute (CADI)

Fostering Sustainable Development in Central Asia

Leading Research and Consulting Organization

About CADI

The Central Asian Development Institute (CADI) is a leading independent research and consulting organization dedicated to fostering sustainable development in Central Asia. Our comprehensive insights into the region's socio-economic dynamics, gained through extensive research and consulting projects, aim to address complex challenges and promote inclusive growth. Our work spans key areas including labor migration, green energy, private sector development, and the implications of the Belt and Road Initiative. By enhancing regional cooperation and informing policy decisions, CADI strives to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for Central Asia.
Core Expertise
Center for Labor Migration
The Center for Labor Migration at CADI enhances the socio-economic well-being of migrant workers in Central Asia through research, policy advocacy, and practical support services. By promoting safe migration practices and providing legal assistance, financial literacy, and capacity-building programs, we empower migrants and foster regional cooperation.
The Center for Climate Change and Green Energy Transition leads initiatives to transition Central Asia from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. We conduct cutting-edge research, pilot projects, and public engagement campaigns to promote sustainable energy solutions and mitigate environmental impacts.
Center for Climate Change and Green Energy Transition
Center for Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development
The Center for Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development supports the growth of a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem in Central Asia. Through direct business support, policy advocacy, and market research, we aim to drive economic growth, innovation, and inclusive development.
The Center for BRI and Chinese Studies provides critical analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative's impact on Central Asia. We offer insights into BRI projects, regional connectivity, and economic implications, facilitating dialogue and cooperation between Central Asian countries and China.
Center for BRI and Chinese Studies
Center for Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE)
The Center for Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) addresses the root causes of radicalization in Central Asia through research, community engagement, and policy recommendations. Our holistic approach aims to mitigate extremist threats, promote social cohesion, and foster long-term peace and stability.

Our Core Competencies

Welcome to the Central Asian Development Institute (CADI), where our core competencies form the foundation of impactful research and development initiatives across Central Asia. Since our establishment in 2011, CADI has demonstrated expertise and leadership in a diverse range of sectors, delivering over 40 successful research and consulting projects. Our competencies include:
Services We Provide
At the Central Asian Development Institute (CADI), we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to support sustainable development and informed decision-making across Central Asia. Our services leverage our deep regional expertise, extensive research capabilities, and robust analytical tools to deliver actionable insights and strategic solutions. Here is an overview of what we offer:

Collection of Macro- and Micro-Level Data in Central Asia

Comprehensive gathering of macro- and micro-level data across Central Asia to provide accurate economic, demographic, and sector-specific insights.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Conducting tailored qualitative studies such as interviews and focus groups, alongside precise quantitative analysis and mixed-method approaches for comprehensive research outcomes.

Training Programs

Specialized training programs designed to equip professionals with essential skills in elite interviewing, data collection, effective communication, strategic management, negotiation, leadership, and research methodology tailored to Central Asian contexts.

Market Research and Policy Analysis

Detailed market insights and rigorous policy assessments to inform strategic decisions and enhance understanding of Central Asian industries and regulatory landscapes.

Consulting Services

Offering expert guidance on sectoral investment analysis, risk assessment, market entry strategies, and stakeholder engagement strategies across Central Asia.
Research Expertise and Focus Areas
At CADI, our research expertise spans a wide range of critical areas essential for the sustainable development and prosperity of the Central Asian region. Our multidisciplinary team brings together deep knowledge and extensive experience in various domains, enabling us to address complex challenges and provide comprehensive solutions. Here’s a detailed overview of our key research focus areas:
Business and Entrepreneurship
Our research in business and entrepreneurship focuses on fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem in Central Asia. We analyze market trends, identify opportunities for innovation, and evaluate the impact of regulatory frameworks on business growth. Our studies provide insights into the challenges faced by startups and small enterprises and offer recommendations for enhancing access to finance, improving business skills, and fostering a supportive environment for entrepreneurs.
Political Economy
We investigate the intricate relationship between politics and economics in Central Asia, examining how political structures, governance practices, and policy decisions influence economic outcomes through the political economy analysis. Our research explores issues such as good governance, public administration, and the role of political institutions in shaping economic development. We aim to provide a nuanced understanding of the political economy to inform policy-making and promote good governance.
Economic and Social Development
Our work in economic and social development addresses the broader goals of reducing poverty, enhancing quality of life, and achieving equitable growth. We conduct research on income distribution, employment trends, education, and social protection systems. Our goal is to identify strategies that promote inclusive development and improve the socio-economic well-being of all communities in Central Asia.
We explore various aspects of governance, including transparency, accountability, and public sector efficiency. Our research aims to identify best practices and innovative approaches to improve governance structures and processes at both national and local levels. By fostering effective governance, we seek to enhance public trust, ensure efficient delivery of services, and support sustainable development.
Our energy research focuses on the transition to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency in Central Asia. We assess the potential of various renewable energy technologies, evaluate policies and regulatory frameworks, and analyze the socio-economic impacts of energy projects. Our goal is to support the region’s shift towards a sustainable and low-carbon energy future.
Risk Analysis
We conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential threats to development initiatives in Central Asia. Our research covers a wide range of risks, including economic, political, environmental, and social risks. By providing robust risk analysis, we help organizations make informed decisions and develop strategies to manage and reduce risks effectively.
Innovation Policy
Our research in innovation policy focuses on creating an environment that encourages creativity, technological advancement, and knowledge-driven growth. We analyze the effectiveness of existing policies, identify barriers to innovation, and propose strategies to enhance the innovation ecosystem. Our work aims to support the development of competitive and resilient economies in Central Asia.
Climate Change and Water Management
We address the critical issues of climate change and water management, which are vital for the sustainability of Central Asia. Our research examines the impacts of climate change on the region, evaluates adaptation and mitigation strategies, and explores sustainable water management practices. We aim to provide solutions that enhance resilience and ensure the long-term availability of water resources.
Our agricultural research focuses on improving productivity, sustainability, and resilience in Central Asia’s agricultural sector. We study best practices in agribusiness and agritourism. Our goal is to support the development of a robust agribusiness and agritourism sectors that ensure food security and contribute to rural development.
IT Infrastructure and Telecommunications
We investigate the development and impact of IT infrastructure and telecommunications in Central Asia. Our research examines the role of digital technologies in economic growth, social inclusion, and governance. We provide insights into policy and regulatory frameworks that promote digital transformation and improve access to information and communication technologies.
Transport, Trade, and Infrastructure
Our research in transport, trade, and infrastructure focuses on enhancing regional connectivity and economic integration. We analyze the effectiveness of transport networks, trade policies, and infrastructure projects in facilitating trade and investment. Our goal is to support the development of efficient and sustainable infrastructure that drives economic growth and regional cooperation.
Urban and Rural Development
We study the dynamics of urban and rural development to address the challenges and opportunities associated with rapid urbanization and rural transformation. Our research covers topics such as urban planning, housing, rural livelihoods, and the provision of public services. We aim to promote balanced and inclusive development that improves living standards in both urban and rural areas.
Our Contacts

Balykchi street, 8
720045 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
The Center for Labor Migration at CADI is dedicated to addressing the multifaceted aspects of labor migration within Central Asia. Our mission is to enhance the socio-economic well-being of migrant workers and their families by promoting safe, orderly, and regular migration practices. We conduct extensive research to understand migration trends, challenges, remittance patterns and impacts on both sending and receiving countries. Our policy recommendations are designed to inform government strategies and ensure the protection of migrant rights.

In addition to research and policy advocacy, we provide practical support services to migrants, including legal assistance, capacity building and financial literacy programs. These services aim to empower migrants with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate new environments successfully. We also engage in public awareness campaigns to combat discrimination and promote the positive contributions of migrants to host societies. By fostering regional cooperation, we strive to create a more integrated and supportive framework for labor migration. Our ultimate goal is to transform migration into a tool for sustainable development, benefiting individuals, communities, and nations across Central Asia.

Center for Labor Migration
The Center for Climate Change and Green Energy Transition at CADI is at the forefront of promoting sustainable energy solutions in Central Asia. Our primary objective is to facilitate the region's transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, thereby mitigating environmental impacts and enhancing energy security. We undertake cutting-edge research to identify the most viable renewable energy technologies and practices suitable for Central Asia’s unique climatic and geographical conditions.

Our initiatives include pilot projects in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, which serve as models for larger-scale implementation. We collaborate with governments, international organizations, and private sector stakeholders to develop and implement policies that encourage investment in green energy. By offering training and capacity-building programs, we equip local communities and professionals with the skills needed to engage in and sustain green energy projects.

Public engagement and education are also critical components of our work. We organize workshops, seminars, and public campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits of renewable energy and the urgent need for a green transition. Our goal is to create a robust and inclusive energy ecosystem that not only addresses climate change but also spurs economic development and job creation across Central Asia.

Center for Climate Change and Green Energy Transition
The Center for Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development at CADI is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and resilient entrepreneurial ecosystem in Central Asia. We believe that entrepreneurship and a robust private sector are key drivers of economic growth and social progress. Our center offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to support entrepreneurs at every stage of their journey, from ideation to scaling.

In addition to direct support for businesses, we engage in policy advocacy to create a more enabling environment for private sector development. We work with governments and regulatory bodies to reduce barriers to entry, streamline business processes, and promote fair competition. Our research and publications provide valuable insights into market trends and opportunities, helping businesses make informed decisions. Through our efforts, we aim to build a thriving private sector that contributes to economic diversification, innovation, and inclusive growth in Central Asia.
Center for Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development
The Center for BRI and Chinese Studies at CADI is dedicated to examining the profound impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Central Asia. As China's ambitious infrastructure and economic development project continues to expand, our center provides critical analysis and insights into its implications for the region. We explore the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of the BRI, offering a comprehensive understanding of its opportunities and challenges.

Our research delves into various aspects of BRI projects, including infrastructure development, trade, investment, and regional connectivity. We assess how these projects influence economic growth, employment, and socio-political dynamics in Central Asian countries. By fostering a deeper understanding of China's strategies and objectives, we aim to inform policymakers, businesses, and the public about the potential benefits and risks associated with BRI participation.

We also facilitate dialogue and cooperation between Central Asian countries and China, promoting mutual understanding and collaboration. Our center hosts conferences, workshops, and seminars that bring together stakeholders from government, academia, and the private sector. Through these engagements, we strive to enhance regional cooperation and leverage the BRI for sustainable and inclusive development. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that Central Asia maximizes the strategic opportunities presented by the BRI while addressing any emerging challenges effectively.

Center for BRI and Chinese Studies
The Center for Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) at CADI is dedicated to addressing and mitigating the root causes and manifestations of violent extremism in Central Asia. Recognizing the complex and multifaceted nature of this threat, our center employs a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to develop effective prevention strategies and interventions.

Our primary focus is on understanding the socio-economic, political, and cultural drivers that contribute to radicalization and violent extremism. We conduct comprehensive research to identify vulnerable populations and regions, analyzing factors such as poverty, unemployment, political disenfranchisement, and social exclusion. Through qualitative and quantitative studies, we gather insights into the motivations and pathways that lead individuals toward extremist ideologies.

In addition to research, the PVE Center emphasizes community engagement and capacity building. We work closely with local communities, governments, and civil society organizations to promote social cohesion and resilience against extremist influences. Our programs include awareness campaigns, educational initiatives, and vocational training aimed at empowering youth and fostering a sense of belonging and purpose.

We also provide policy recommendations and support to governments and international organizations, helping them design and implement effective counter-extremism strategies. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, the PVE Center aims to create a safer and more inclusive environment in Central Asia, reducing the appeal of extremist narratives and contributing to long-term peace and stability in the region.

Center for Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE)
We specialize in gathering detailed and reliable data at both macro and micro levels across the Central Asian region. Our data collection services encompass economic indicators, demographic statistics, sector-specific metrics, and local community insights. By leveraging our extensive network and on-the-ground presence in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, we ensure the accuracy and relevance of our data, providing a solid foundation for any analysis or decision-making process.
Collection of Macro- and Micro-Level Data in Central Asia
CADI excels in conducting both qualitative and quantitative research tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Our qualitative research includes techniques such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic studies, providing rich, contextual insights into complex issues. Our quantitative research employs surveys, statistical analysis, and econometric modeling to deliver precise and empirical data. We also offer mixed-method research that combines the strengths of both approaches for a comprehensive analysis.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Our market research services provide detailed insights into various industries and sectors within Central Asia, helping businesses understand market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes. We also conduct rigorous policy analysis to assess the impact of existing and proposed policies on different sectors and stakeholders. Our policy recommendations are grounded in empirical evidence and aim to support effective and sustainable development strategies.
Market Research and Policy Analysis
CADI offers a range of consulting services designed to help organizations navigate the complexities of the Central Asian markets. Our consulting expertise includes:
  • Sectoral Investment Analysis: Evaluating investment opportunities and potential returns across different sectors.
  • Risk Assessment Analysis: Identifying and assessing potential risks associated with investments, operations, and market conditions.
  • Assessment of Market Entry Strategies by Sector: Developing and evaluating strategies for entering and expanding within specific sectors in Central Asia.
  • Stakeholder Mapping in Central Asia: Identifying key stakeholders, understanding their influence and interests, and developing engagement strategies to foster collaboration and support.
Consulting Services
· Elite Interviewing in Central Asia: Training on techniques and best practices for conducting interviews with high-level stakeholders and experts in the region, ensuring the collection of valuable and actionable insights.
· Data Collection in Central Asia: Providing methodologies and practical guidance for accurate and efficient data collection in diverse and often challenging environments, ensuring the reliability and validity of research findings.
· Communication: Training on effective communication strategies tailored to diverse cultural and linguistic contexts, ensuring clear, impactful, and respectful interactions across various regional stakeholders.
· Strategic Management: Offering techniques and frameworks for developing and implementing strategic plans that align with organizational goals, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities.
· Negotiation in Central Asia: Providing practical skills and methodologies for successful negotiation, focusing on culturally sensitive approaches to achieve mutually beneficial agreements in both business and policy settings.
· Leadership: Focusing on leadership development strategies that foster innovation, resilience, and ethical decision-making, tailored to the socio-political and economic landscapes.
· Research Methodology: Offering comprehensive training on designing and conducting robust research, utilizing appropriate qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to address specific regional issues and produce reliable, actionable insights.